Welcome to Bridges Coaching

Coaching builds bridges to what could be! It is an intentional conversation using quality questions that help people envision where they are going and how they can move forward.

It's simple really...

You can be a coach or a teller. Tellers take on the responsibility of choosing what is best for others and while that can seem valuable or feel great, it can also create unhealthy dependence. The Jesus way is to ask empowering questions that help people see their choices and give them the opportunity to grow in their personal connection with God.

Which do you need most right now?

Bridges Coaching can help you build a bridge toward what God has for you, and/or teach you to coach others.

Questions prompt choices ~ choosing moves you forward!

Use these questions to help recognize your best next and to help others do the same!!

Choose from multiple question categories to focus on what matters most for the situation at hand!

Bonus: you'll be on the Bridges Coaching blog list and receive ongoing coaching encouragement and special offers. (You can unsubscribe at any time.)

    One Hundred+ Helpful Questions Guide

    Use this free tool to prompt "Aha" moments for yourself or others.

      What's next in your journey?

      Bridges Coaching offers pathways to help you discern the next steps on your personal journey and/or to help others along their way through coaching.

      Life Coach Training

      Coach Training equips you with the skills to ask empowering questions, listen actively, and encourage others to own their journey with God. Bridges Coaching's life coach certification can take your personal and professional effectiveness to the next level.

      Lean into Coach Training

      Leadership Development

      Goals are rarely, if ever, reached unintentionally. Our Vision Implementation Planner (VIP) system partners with you to assess your personal goals and your professional responsibilities circumspectly. You can move in confidence toward what God has for you!

      Invest In Leadership Development

      Destiny by Design Discovery

      Each of us was uniquiely and perosnally designed by God! Learn how to identify your internal DNA - who God made you to be - and thereby identify your ultimate destiny. BONUS: learn how to help others identity their design as well.

      Discover your Divine Design


      Looking for a good coach? Check out our Associate Coaches. Bridges Coaching also offers a variety of workshops, personal retreats, deep dive group connections, books, and more. Check out our other offerings here. 

      See More

      Featured Offer

      Bridges Coaching is now offering a limited group coaching community. Join this deep dive into intentional growth in community, meeting twice a month. Structured around a book study and authentically processing life together. WARNING: only the devoted need consider joining as these deep dive groups are transformative.

      What's your next?

      Build your own BRIDGES to what could be with a Bridges Certified Associate Coach, and/or a personal retreat or workshop!

      Soul Care Personal Retreat

      Journey toward healthy Soul Care as Eric and Cindy Scott guide you through video prompts to a personal encounter with God that will refresh and replenish your soul. 

      Ready to Replenish

      Certified Associate Coaches

      Whether you are pursuing an accomplishment or letting go a habit, you can turn your dream into a goal by partnering with one of our Bridges certified life coaches.

      Partner with a Coach

      Life on Purpose Personal Workshop

      Intentional living is yours for the taking! Life On Purpose will walk you through choosing your next goal and walk you down the Bridges Coaching ROAD on your personal journey.

      Pursue your Purpose

      50% Complete

      Receive Helpful Ministry & Coaching Tips

      Get tips from Cindy a few times a month, and learn about new opportunities grow in your coaching skills!