
I’m Cindy, a fellow traveler on this journey called life.

I specialize in helping people break through the invisible barriers that hold them back – those mental roadblocks we all encounter. I guide you through unknowns so you can move forward with purpose and clarity.

This is an environment where your observations can be shared without judgment.  It’s a dedicated time to process what’s on your mind, giving voice to what truly matters to you.  Through this work, I’ve witnessed:

     • Motivation and inspiration grow from within. 
     • Perseverance and strength arise. 
     • Resiliency to move beyond setbacks and into new possibilities

Everybody has a story.  Everybody is on a journey.

 “We travel in the direction we are looking.” ~ Gene Roddenberry 

So, I ask you, where are you traveling?


Rates$125 per session. $570 for a 6-session package.

Committed to authenticity. Dedicated to your growth.

Contact Cindy

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Two Step

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