Lean into this Biblical conversation model to help others move toward their best "next" through coaching!
Hi, I'm Cindy Scott, founder and executive director of Bridges Coaching.
I've spent most of my adult life in ministry. As I've talked with many pastors, parents, business and small group leaders, and other influencers over the years, I've noticed a common theme: many leaders see a gap between where their people are and where they could/should be...
They want to help. They feel they should be able to do more and see people's lives be transformed.
It's easy to get discouraged and think:
"If only they have the right teaching" or
"If only I were more inspiring or available or ___________ (you fill in the blank.)"
But despite all the hours spent in training, meetings, reading, and group teaching, the problem persists. I wished there was a more effective way to actually help people have hope and not feel stuck.
Can you relate? Do you wish you could help the people around you move forward in whatever areas they needed to?
A month later, they'd be back in my office with the same problems again. I'd dive in with even more ideas, but eventually, I realized I needed something different. And they needed me to be something different if I truly wanted to help them!
That's when I found coaching. I learned I was "telling " way too much, and not encouraging them to own their own lives - to choose their preferred outcomes, recognize their possible options, and choose potential action steps.
When I started listening and asking empowering questions about goals and choices, I felt a release from the pressure to provide answers and they found the traction they needed!
This simple paradigm shift changed everyone!
Instead of feeling like I needed to be a wise and learned expert I simply began asking questions like: "What's one thing you could do to move forward this week?"
Right before my eyes, things started to change. These people I loved stopped coming to me simply to vent. They learned to connect with God for themselves, take ownership of their lives, grow in confidence, and most importantly: they began to actually move forward in the things that mattered most to them.
Coaching transformed the way I interacted with the people in my work and personal life - and it can do the same for you.
In this course, you'll learn...
Maybe you’re in a ministry leadership position, and the primary goal of your role is to help people grow in maturity and be more like Christ.
Or maybe you’re a believer who has found other people coming to you - friends, family, co-workers, or small group leaders - and you want to help people take more purposeful steps forward.
Coaching is by far the most powerful method I know for helping others take ownership of their lives and gain traction in the issues that matter most to them.
I'm talking about helping people who keep having the same issues or unfulfilled dreams being coached and then seeing breakthrough happen in just a few short weeks or months.
You’ll learn the most common ways that leaders tend to hold their people back, and by the end of the course, you'll feel confident you know how to equip those around you to pursue everything God has for them.
Whether you’re in a leadership role in your ministry or marketplace environment, or a believer who simply wants to make a difference in the kingdom of God, we all started out wanting to help people grow, right?
At our core, we want to know that our investment is making a difference! When we approach our lives, and relationships, within the coaching paradigm everything changes.
That’s what coach training does: it gives us the skills to actually help people move forward. There's no need to leave conversations or meetings and wonder if they made a difference in real life. Instead, by using coaching tools, we can be assured people are taking steps towards the goals that matter most.
(and the origin story of Bridges Coaching.)
When I was first studying coaching my first certification I LOVED what I was learning. I wanted more, so I took a second certification where I was actually coached - experiencing coaching was a valuable learning tool. The next training offered a practicum where I would coach and be observed and assessed by a trained facilitator. And so on. (I think I took 4 certifications before training to become a facilitator
I saw how the coaching culture was Biblical and effective.
Used well Coaching could shift the weight of responsibility for forward movement to the person being coached, thereby relieving the coach of making things better for others.
My heart wanted to share this new found understanding with the leaders around me - pastors, parents, volunteers and vocational leaders - each could benefit from an understanding of Coaching Culture.
That's how Bridges Coach Training was born. The first cohort was in fall of 2011 and we have certified hundreds of coaches since then.
Whatever training you take look for these checkpoints:
All this and more happens in our initial coach training!
*I've seen coach training offered online for $47 boasting a pathway to ICF credentialing. ICF requires 60 voice-to-voice hours, so there is no way the training being offered is the only one required. It is only a first step.
My husband, Eric, said the words above to me after his first coach training. As a Care Pastor, he's wonderfully people-oriented and compassionate.
But he realized he could do more and make a greater impact if, instead of helping carry people’s burdens for them, he coached them into healthy and life-giving decisions.
As he stepped out in coaching, the people he ministered to grew in their ownership of their problems and questions, and this lightened his own sense of responsibility toward their trials. 30+ years into ministry, he has a renewed sense of energy and vision for his work - and the same feeling is possible for you as well!
Consider joining an upcoming COACHING CERTIFICATION cohort! Click below for more info and specifics on our next launch! Our course facilitator will connect with you and answer your questions as we build the next cohort. (Or see below for video-only course access options.)
Bridges Coaching's coach training program is a unique blend of video content, group classes, peer sessions, experiencing coaching, and practicing coaching under the care of a trained facilitator. No other coaching program includes such diversity and depth of training at this price point. (Keep scrolling down for more specifics on what coaching means and what's included in traning.)
And receive a discount code for $150 when you register
Ensure your spot at the table for the next Coaching Certification cohort!
Cohorts are limited to 8 participants.
Summer group class dates, Sundays 6-9 EST
May 18 - Kickoff
June 19 - Midpoint
Aug 24 - Celebration
Save Your Seat option for the Summer cohort will close April 15 (or when cohort is full) - use now to ensure a discount.
Fall dates will post soon. Save Your Seat option for the Fall Cohort will close August 15.
Experience the complete Coaching Culture program with a designated cohort including:
3 live group classes facilitated online
11 live online sessions with your peer partner & trained facilitator
Personal Coaching
Coaching Practicum
10+ hours of video training (Lifetime access)
Online Community
Professionally printed notebook
Resulting in: Life Coach Certification
Payment plan - $475monthly
Experience the complete Coaching Culture program with a designated cohort including:
3 live group classes facilitated online
11 live online sessions with your peer partner & trained facilitator
Personal Coaching
Coaching Practicum
10+ hours of video training (Lifetime access)
Online Community
Professionally printed notebook
Resulting in: Life Coach Certification
Ministry leaders need a variety of skills: public speaking, Bible knowledge, administration - and many more. Coaching is one of the best tools you can use to encourage personal growth because it's both Biblical and highly effective.
It’s Biblical
Coaching is built on listening to people, asking powerful questions, and helping others identify and take ownership of the next steps they need to move forward in life. How does this line up with Biblical principles?
It’s effective (It works)
"What is Coaching?" In this first video, we explore the definition of coaching and how it is used for spiritual growth.
Coaching Culture is offered in two different forms: an in-depth online video course, or a 12-week certification program which includes Life Coach Certification from Bridges Coaching. Read more on these options below.
Both forms of training will teach you to:
...and how to know when to use each one in your ministry.
...the relationship-killing habit we can all fall into that holds others back from forward progress.
...explore the power of free will and how God has made a way for us to connect directly with Him in the New Testament!
...taught by my very own care pastor husband! Avoid getting bogged down by other people's burdens.
...with specific prompts and practice assignments to build healthy listening habits into your life.
...unlock the core issues that hold people back from moving forward
...learn to use the Bridges Coaching ROAD model to walk people on their own journey.
...ask any of our alumni about the Always Circle and the Coaching ROAD - these handy tools are a resource to apply coaching in your everyday life.
Choose the form of training that best fits your needs: the online videos only at your own pace, OR group training with Bridges Coaching certification.
We like to call this option Coaching Lite, for some it is the best place to start.
These videos are the same ones used in the certification course and give you direct access to Cindy's 1,500+ hours of personal coaching experience, as well as the wisdom she's given to 200+ certified coach trainees over the last decade.
This notebook is a light version of the certification course and includes all the notes for the videos as well as processing prompts for journaling and sharing.
The video option allows you three months of access to the videos and the option to start your training now and go at your own pace.
Just a quick note of caution. It can be all too easy to purchase video teaching but then never get to it. This option is best done with a partner at a specific time each week. There are interactive prompts to process the material conversationally. Who could you ask to register with you?
The price of the video option can also be used as a discount toward a seat in an upcoming Coaching Certification Cohort, within the first year after purchase.
The Coaching Culture certification course is Bridges Coaching's premier coach training program. It includes:
A unique blend of live group online classes, the entire video curriculum, weekly facilitated peer pair meetings, associated reading, guided personal projects and more!
Hosted by a certified Bridges coach-trained facilitator, you'll meet with your entire class (cohort) to learn and process your learning together.
These meetings are where you process the topic of the week with personalized application. Meeting with your peer partner* and a Bridges certified facilitator make for individualized training - quite possibly unique to Bridges training as most other coach training courses are in larger group settings.
During your peer pair sessions, you and your peer partner will be personally coached. You will get to experience coaching as well as observe coaching sessions - all within this course.
Trainees get real-world experience hosting their first coaching sessions. Included in this initial training are 3 coaching practicum sessions, where you are set up for success to record coaching sessions, play them back in your peer partner sessions, and receive encouragement and feedback. Many trainees feel this is the most valuable part of the training!
These videos give you direct access to Cindy's 1,500+ hours of personal coaching experience, as well as the wisdom she's given to 300+ certified coach trainees over the last decade.
Upon successful completion of the coursework and the recommendation of your facilitator, you will be recognized as a trained life coach by Bridges Coaching. Some people use this course as a springboard into a coaching career; many others use these skills in their daily work and personal life.
*Most people meet in pairs, but occasionally there is a trio.
These videos have the same content as the Certification course. You can jump in here and upgrade to the certification course at a later date if you so choose.
Workbook included
10+ hours of video training
Choose your pace (3-month access)
Online Community
Professionally printed notebook
Opportunity to upgrade to Certification Course discounted by the price of the video course
This offer includes:
10 individual Coaching Culture video course access codes (3-month access)
10 workbooks with teaching notes and interactive activity prompts.
The template for doing the class together in 9 ninety-minute sessions.
This offer includes:
10 individual Coaching Culture video course access codes (3-month access)
10 workbooks with teaching notes and interactive activity prompts.
Connection with an online facilitator to schedule the 9 ninety-minute sessions.
Everything you need to know about meeting online in your group classes & with your facilitator and peer partner.
Only for certification course trainees
The three all-cohort online meetings are one of the highlights of the course! Meet your fellow participants and process coaching principles together.
Group Class times and weekly peer pair sessions will be scheduled when registration closes.
Meet your cohort of up to 12 fellow coach trainees and get a personal introduction to coaching.
This is a crucial class on your journey toward partnering with those you lead. This class marks the transition from learning about coaching to setting up your first coaching sessions.
This finish-line class marks the capstone of your coach training journey as we acknowledge your Life Coach Certification. Learn final lessons to lock-in your coaching knowledge and plan action steps to apply these lessons to your work and personal life.
Dates will be determined based on participant availability!
Only for certification course trainees
Along with the all-cohort group classes you'll meet weekly with your facilitator and peer partner. Morning, afternoon, and evening sessions are available for most days of the week.
Each facilitator brings unique skills and perspectives to your meetings.
Peer partner: it can be beneficial in some ways o go through coach training with someone you know. If you both request each other and your availability works with your facilitator, you will be partnered together.
Facilitator: you'll be matched with a peer partner and facilitator. If you happen to have a preference you can let us know.
Weekly meeting time: when you register you'll list your availability for your weekly call with your facilitator and peer partner.
Facilitators and meeting times are scheduled first-come, first-served; please save your seat ASAP to get your preferred weekly meeting and facilitator!
*If you Save Your Seat, you will get first dibs in pre-registration on your peer partner, facilitator, and weekly meeting time as well as a discount off your registration!
Coaching Culture is coach training offered exclusively by Bridges Coaching that equips you to help others move forward in their lives. Through a unique blend of live content (in the certification course) and in-depth video curriculum, you'll learn the tools of active listening, asking powerful questions, helping people recognize the season they're in, and much more.
Many live coach training certification courses cost $2,500+ (not including travel expenses and vacation time!) for days of in-person teaching. Most courses require multiple registrations for all that is included in our initial training. Other distance trainings often omit personal, small group interaction. Bridges Coaching certification strikes a uniquely effective balance of teaching, live personal processing, the experience of being coached as well as observed practice coaching with live feedback from your trained facilitator. All the aspects I wanted in my coach training and all in your first level of coach training!
If you work with people, you need coach training. Seriously! Whether you're a pastor, businessman, volunteer coordinator, or even a parent dedicated to developing young leaders in your family, coaching is a fundamental skill that helps others move toward their preferred future.
Certification course: over twelve weeks you'll meet with your cohort for three live whole-group classes, and weekly with your facilitator and peer partner to discuss the selected videos and readings for that session. Also during the sessions each week, there will be a mix of personal coaching, and practice coaching as you receive feedback from your facilitator. You'll interact with the whole group in the weekly online forum to process what you're learning. We'll also have regular conversations in a private Facebook group, so you'll need a Facebook account as well.
Video-only course: you'll receive the same video training as the certification course for you to go through at your own pace. The sessions are designed for interaction. If you choose this option, consider asking someone to register with you.
The certification course is a serious commitment over the 12 weeks of the course. We recommend you plan to spend about 4 hours per week between reading, watching videos, personal projects, processing what you're learning, and the online meetings.
The video-only course will take quite a bit less time, but we encourage you to slow down, journal, and do the transforming work of applying these lessons to your life - we want you to get the most possible out of the course!
Absolutely! In the certification course, you'll meet weekly with your peer partner and trained facilitator, and they'll walk with you as you learn and apply each lesson. You'll also post every week to your all-cohort closed Facebook group and grow together with your fellow classmates.
Those taking the video course can interact in the Bridges Coaching Facebook page, as well as receive email support to get answers for anything that comes up. (Can I be honest though - it works so much better if you go through with someone else. Start brainstorming who you could invite on this journey with you!)
This cohort will close as soon as it is filled. So Save-your-seat as soon as possible to ensure participation in the next cohort!
YES! If you Save-your-seat option you will receive a discount code for registration on the course. (The Save-your-seat option will close approximately two weeks prior to the kickoff.)
The $1,797 one-time investment is our most popular option, but if you prefer monthly payments, you can pay four monthly installments of $475. On occasion, we have set up a monthly payment plan on an individual plan staring 10+ months in advance. Contact us directly if interested.
Anytime within 30 days after you sign up, reach out to support@bridgescoaching.net with a scan or picture of your workbook up to that point. We have never had a refund request, so we'd love to know you fully participated, but either way, we'll refund your full payment right away to the original source of payment.
Shoot us an email at support@bridgescoaching.net - we'd love to help!
The video portion of this course includes prompts for journal times and processing with a peer. The life coach certification course is chock full of interactive learning including everything that comes with the videos and adding in projects, reading, experiencing being coached as well as a coaching practicum!
If you're unhappy with Bridges Coach's Coach Training course during the first 30 days, we will give your money back.
We're convinced coach training will be revolutionary in your life and work. As you apply the skills of active listening and partnering with people as they grow in their personal journey with God, we're sure you'll be thankful for this course.
However, if you enter the program and you realize it's not for you, email our awesome support team at support@bridgescoaching.net within 30 days of signing up. Include a scan of your workbook up to that point, and we'll give you a full refund*.
Now, we recognize we're taking a risk. Not only do we make all our video and printed content available to you immediately, but it causes significant problems to break up peer pairs once they're established.
But we would rather take that risk on ourselves, rather than leave you with any question in your mind whether this is a good investment.
BTW, we ask for a scan of your notebook because we're convinced that if you apply the principles we teach, you'll begin to see growth. We want to know you've taken steps toward honestly applying these principles. If you've done that and we're still not a good fit, we'll refund your money.
We believe in coach training, and we have every reason to think you will as well. If we're wrong, you can have your money back.
*Minus expenses paid
Bridges offers a second-level of coach training. The Next Level training combined with Coaching Culture gives the trainees all the necessary academic requirements to submit a portfolio to ICF or CCNI for credentialing.
50% Complete
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