Soul Care Personal Retreat
Tired? Lonely? Confused or frustrated?
There is rest for your soul and God is waiting to refuel you...
Come to the well that never runs dry!
Ready to receive!Journey with Eric & Cindy Scott as they guide you on a personal pathway toward Soul Care. Their video prompts will set you up for an encounter with God as you allow Him to care for your soul.

"Your soul is a stream and you are its keeper"
John Ortberg

Identify what has messed up your stream
trauma, grief, difficulty, circumstances, sickness, misunderstanding, injustice, pain, hurt and more...

Work through the stream cleansing process
remove what needs to be removed, receive what needs to be received, believe what needs to be believed

Guard the flow, let it go, so it can grow
God is offering peace that surpasses understanding, life that is truly abundant, say YES to Him ther