Cindy Scott

Ā Coaching has been a passion of mine since I first learned what it meant in 2009 while studying for my Masters degree. In fact, I loved Coaching so much I wrote a coach training curriculum and founded Bridges Coaching when I graduated in 2011.

Since then I have continued to hone the craft and now offer leadership coaching using theĀ  Vision Implementation Planner (VIP) process. (I mean who doesn't want to implement the vision God has for them!?)

If you wish you could have a system for assessing your personal and/or your professional life, this process offers a well-rounded look at what is and what could be. I'd love to assist you in discerning and walking out all God has for you!

Supporting who you are meant to be and what you do would be an honor.

Rate: $250 - bundle options available including both personal and professional coaching monthly ($400) let's chat!

Contact Cindy

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