Alright! Let's Get Going! (Walk with me on my real-life journey!)

In this blog we will be looking at A- action steps on the Coaching ROAD, but first a quick overview and some bonus links if if you like.

R- recognize = choosing a focus.

O - ownership = identifying and removing obstacles

A - action steps = building the actual plan

D - dedication = maintaining the gain

I want to share a current journey I am taking down the Coaching ROAD. Many of you know I am working full-time at Bridges again. I am LOVING it, but it comes with some challenges as well. My office is in our home and I love that too, but honestly, I can lose steam during the day sometimes and I find myself doing other things instead of what I meant to be doing (I guess I am like the Apostle Paul in that way - see Romans 7). 

Here is my embarrassing distraction disclosure list: daydreaming, (the dreaded) scrolling, making dinner, cleaning, working on something funner than what I need to be working on, texting, playing Township, calling my mom...  Okay, some of them are worthier distractions than others, but still, I realized I needed a plan to stay on track. 

So, walk with me through a real journey on the Coaching ROAD.

R - recognition. I realized my goal needed to be having a workable plan to prioritize what needed to be done, but include breaks and motivation.

O - ownership. I identified some "if only's" that were holding me back and took ownership for having a plan. No one could do anything about this all but me. If it was/is going to happen it is going to take intentionality.

A - action steps. I am full-on in the trial and experimentation process even as I type!

Here are some decisions I am working through and where I am at with them.

- I am trying different ways to keep track of what needs to be done, the current plan that seems to be working is two-fold. I am putting projects as appointments in my calendar with projected time frames. I am keeping a list of things that I need to do in my phone.

- I am stopping for a workout break a couple of times each morning and afternoon. Getting up and doing something is definitely helping with concentration and I get the huge side benefit of exercise.

- I am drinking a 24 oz cup of water each morning and afternoon. 

- I am finding a rhythm by sectioning off different times of the week for different projects. Tuesdays I work with Legacy Church in Connecticut (online). Wednesday mornings I am working on my pendulum book. You get the picture.

[This just in - I had a coaching session today with Tony Stolzfus who is one of my coaching heroes and mentors. I was talking about learning to discern where best to invest my time. He challenged me to talk to Jesus about my obsession with productivity. Okay, maybe he didn't say "obsession" but it's true. Perhaps I am a little hard on myself... He asked me to ask Jesus what rest would look like in this season ... oh Tony... oh Jesus!] 

So, new plan. 

I still want to keep up with what is working, but I need to slow down a bit and have a heart adjustment. I want to use this season well, for God's glory. What if that means I need to discern more about rest than I do about motivation and productivity?

Back to the drawing board? What is the goal God wants me to pursue in this season?

New Action Step: spend some time literally listening when I ask God what His priorities are for me in this season.Still my heart and quiet my mind. Do some journaling. 

Lately, my faith walk has been like I am in some dense fog and I can only see one step ahead. I'm not stressed there though, I just need to slow down and step carefully. Maybe we all need that. 

D- dedication. As I continue to find my way in this season I am committed to maintaining my gains. The workout and water plans are a good addition. (I really like the quick workouts on BetterMe app. For about  $30 a year, I get a bazillion options I can do at home or at the gym!) The calendar appointments are great as well - I just need to be sure to right-size my estimated times so I am not filling the calendar with unrealistic expectations. 


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