2 Options Rather Than Coaching

Coaching is actually an alternative word for discipleship. The foundations of coaching call for the person being coached to wisely choose a focus and then make quality action steps to move toward that end. Sounds like using our God-given free will wisely right?

There are two other options for interacting with people.

  1. We can tell them what to do.

Here are a few things about “telling”. There IS a place for it! When someone is young they need to be told things. You don’t work with a child discussing the values of whether they should make a goal about crossing the road safely - you just tell them, “You have to look both ways before you cross a street.”

When a believer is young, they need to be told/taught things. They need to learn about what it means to walk out your faith, the importance of having a quiet time, how to live in a God-honoring way.

But as they grow, they will come to decisions they NEED to make on their own. If we tell them what to do...

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We ALL Do It! (But take heart...we can help with that!)

You know what I mean right?

We all "set" goals for the new year, or at the very least consider some things we would like to upgrade. Maybe yours are about physical things like working out or eating differently, or perhaps they are more ethereal things like reading more or journaling, or finally, maybe they are relational like calling family more or having people over for dinner.

Whatever you have been thinking of adding or deleting from your life change rarely happens without serious planning! 

Intentionality is what Bridges Coaching is all about. It's even in our name - we help build Bridges to what could be - together! What could be in your life? What's the obstacle you need to build a bridge over? 

If you need help choosing a worthy personal goal - we can help with that!

If you need assistance turning that goal into bite-sized actual steps - we can help with that!

If you need help maintaining your progress - we can help with that!


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Why Take Coach Training? (Isn't it just for professionals?)

It's a good question. By definition "Coach" training should be for coaches only - right? 

Let's start there. What is a coach? The concept connects with moving from here to there - like the Old West stagecoach or Cinderella's coach. For our purposes, we use the word coach to mean helping a person get from where they are to the destination(goal) they choose. 

When you think about coaching that way - Coach Training is really for anyone who wants to be conversationally helpful when talking to anyone else. 

  • Parents talking to children or adult children.
  • Pastors discipline parishioners.
  • Employers interacting with employees. 
  • Adult children dealing with aging or elderly parents.
  • Small Group Leaders with their groups.
  • Siblings. Friends. Family. 

Really, any conversation can level up to being impactful with the conversational tools offered in coach training. 

The two primary building blocks in any good Coach Training are Active Listening and Asking Powerful...

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3 Kinds of Contemplative Question Ideas to Reflect and Connect!

New Years can be a time for reflection and connection. This practice can be powerful as it can direct your perspective to what matters most. It offers an opportunity for gratitude, makes space for a reality check, and, if done well, sheds light on the future God has for you. 

Let's look at some questions that can help in each area. 

But first, let's set you up for success:

  1. Decide how you will invest: on your own, with a partner, or with a group? 
  2. Choose a time for contemplation. Maybe New Year's Eve is not the best time for reflection in your house, or maybe it is? Would New Year's Day work better or should you set a time not connected with the 31st or the 1st to think about what God has for your New Year.
  3. Then see yourself there reflecting. Where do you see this happening? In the car driving home from the holidays, at a coffee shop, in your living room, or at your kitchen table? It's good to choose a place where you are comfortable and undistracted. 


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The Great Commission IS Coaching?!

Matthew 28:19 is commonly referred to as the Great Commission. You know the verse, 

"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

So - what's that got to do with Coaching?

Other versions of that verse say, "Go and make followers of all the people..." 

What Disciples and Followers have in common is that they are not stagnant. Followers by definition take steps and the word disciple shares the same root as the word discipline. 

Discipleship = forward movement. Being a disciple is not a one-time decision, it's a series of yes's as we connect with God and His pathway for our lives. 

It's not easy though. Being a disciple, or follower, means being intentional about discerning and then moving toward whatever God has for us personally. It's hard sometimes. 

While forgiveness and salvation are free to us, whatever God wants for our lives moving forward will likely involve a cost....

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Two Unique Wish List & Gift List Ideas

Make this year's exchange memorable!

Here are some meaningful unique ideas for you to put on your Wish List or to fulfill your Gift List!  

Traction Book: This inspiring self-guided workbook can be used by an individual couple or team to get "traction" and move forward. (less than $30)

Soul Care Retreat: This video course could be the lifeline someone needs. The journal prompts and practical steps bring refreshing to the soul and reconnection to the spirit. ($67 - enter the email of the person you are purchasing for - or tell your people to use your email address for your access!) 

For more ideas check out our Bridges Coaching product page!

Merry Merry!

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5 Potentially Life-changing Table Questions for Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner! More people will be sitting around the table eating a meal together than almost any other time of the year.

Here are 5 questions you can incorporate to make that table time especially connecting this year! You can start by Introducing the idea of having intentional conversation this year. Share a question and answer it, then randomly pick who goes next till everyone has been able to share.

Encouraging quality conversation will make this year's connections memorable, maybe even life-changing.

  1. What one person around this table are you proud of this year and why?
  2. Which blessing has the most meaning for you at this time in your life: Joy, Peace, Hope, or something else - and what makes that stand out?
  3. How have you seen a prayer answered in a surprising way this year? (Maybe a story of a dark time God led you through and used for good.)
  4. When you think of this last year what event marks the year for you?
  5. Where would you like to see...
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An Aha Moment About Being "Right"

Have you ever been "right" about something? 

Maybe you clearly saw what someone should do in a certain situation or relationship, or maybe you saw something that needed to be seen in an organization. Maybe you noted someone was not living out their faith according to the Bible, or maybe you saw a priority that was being neglected in someone's personal life or family interactions.

Turns out I think we think we are right a LOT.  And sometimes we are right, but how we decide what to do with that knowledge is very important.

There are different kinds of "right". One is when something is morally right or wrong or when there is an organizational protocol that is less than what it could be. In these situations, there is either a Biblical mandate being neglected, a lack of educational awareness, or an organizational blind spot. There is a "right" that can be verbalized. 

Another kind of "right" is more subtle. It has to do more with the how than the what of a situation. We...

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Is Coaching What You Think It Is? 4 characteristics of Good Coaching

We've been on a journey delving into the many types of valuable questions to ask each enneagram type. (You can check out our Bridges blog archive for coaching questions for any type.) Good coaching is not simply about choosing the right question there's so much more.

1) Coaching is about the journey represented in the Always Circle*

  • There's always going to be stuff.
  • God always offers a plan.
  • We always make choices.

 If we want to be active believers, we need to be growing followers of Jesus. This means there will always be a next step in our journey. 

Good Coaching helps us see the next steps.

2) Coaching is NOT about telling people what to do. Life Coaching can have many meanings depending on who you talk to. Bridges Coaching adheres to the definition of coaching set by the International Coaching Federation and Christian Coaches Network International. This type of coaching is built on the pillars of Active Listening and Asking Powerful Questions.


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10 Coaching Questions for Enneagram 9's

Can't we all just get along?

According to the Enneagram Institute, Enneagram Type Nines are accepting, trusting, and stable. They are usually creative, optimistic, and supportive, but can also be too willing to go along with others to keep the peace. They want everything to go smoothly and be without conflict, but they can also tend to be complacent, simplifying problems and minimizing anything upsetting. They typically have problems with inertia and stubbornness. At their Best: indomitable and all-embracing, they are able to bring people together and heal conflicts.

We have called personality type Nine The Peacemaker because no type is more devoted to the quest for internal and external peace for themselves and others. They are typically “spiritual seekers” who have a great yearning for connection with the cosmos, as well as with other people. They work to maintain their peace of mind just as they work to establish peace and harmony in their world. The...

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