We ALL Do It! (But take heart...we can help with that!)

You know what I mean right?

We all "set" goals for the new year, or at the very least consider some things we would like to upgrade. Maybe yours are about physical things like working out or eating differently, or perhaps they are more ethereal things like reading more or journaling, or finally, maybe they are relational like calling family more or having people over for dinner.

Whatever you have been thinking of adding or deleting from your life change rarely happens without serious planning! 

Intentionality is what Bridges Coaching is all about. It's even in our name - we help build Bridges to what could be - together! What could be in your life? What's the obstacle you need to build a bridge over? 

If you need help choosing a worthy personal goal - we can help with that!

If you need assistance turning that goal into bite-sized actual steps - we can help with that!

If you need help maintaining your progress - we can help with that!

OR MAYBE YOU WANT TO HELP OTHERS - we can help with that too!

To help others we offer two options:

  1. Our next Coach Training cohort starts soon! Click here for more info or to ask questions. ($1697* - 12 weeks, results in LIfe Coach Certifitation, but it's just for potential profesionals.)
  2. Take the video course and go at your own pace. ($247 Just don't let it be one of those things you signed up for that one time...)

To set your own goals more intentionally:

  • Check out the book Traction for a self guided workbook coaching experience. You can use this inspirational guide on your own, as a couple or familly, or with a team. ($29)
  • Hire a coach! Check out our Associated Coach Listing! (range of pricing) 
  • Contact Cindy personally if you are interested in Executive Level personal Coaching with the new Vision Implementation Planner (VIP) board process. Apply by emailing for more info: [email protected] 

Intentional living is well worth the investment of time, resources and energy! That life you hope for can be yours! LET'S BUILD BRIDGES TOGETHER!


*All prices are current as of Jan 2025, but subject to change.



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