That's right - every believer is a leader whether they realize it or not, whether they like it or not, people are looking to us to "show them the way".
Some of us may be in clear definable professional leadership positions, others are relational leaders - like parents, aunts or uncles, and grandparents, some of us are small group leaders, neighbors or co-workers. All of us who profess to be Jesus-followers are being observed by those around us.
There are two kinds of onlookers:
1) Pre-believers - they are people who do not yet follow Jesus. Hopefully, they expect us to be different, but likely in odd ways. Oftentimes pre-believers think that real Christians never have problems, should always be happy and at peace, and get along with everyone. (Even new believers sometimes think that should be the norm for their new life.)
Other times pre-believers think that Christians think they are holier than others and all they do is judge those who are not as "good" as they are.
Both of these perspectives do not represent the faith walk Jesus proposed.
The other kind of onlooker is present as well.
2) Other believers - these fellow believers are peers, newer believers, or in some cases even longer-term believers who are watching how we live out our faith. We all do it really. We look to those who have been at this longer than we have, or who are in positions of leadership. We want to see healthy models of dealing with the stuff of life.
And life has stuff.
There are circumstantial difficulties, relational disconnects, future planning issues, and more. Trauma and drama happen to all of us.
Jesus said, "In this world you WILL have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world."
I admit. I don't like stuff. In fact, I hate it sometimes. I want what new believers sometimes expect, that everything goes well with me and all my people; that we don't have issues with finances, or health, or relational communication...
But here's the thing.
It's not about having a stuff-free life. It's all about how we respond to the stuff of life. Our goal can not be to find a way to live stuff-free. Our goal must be to walk with Jesus through the stuff.
That's what people need to see. Pre-believers need to see us respond to tragedy and crisis with faith that we are not alone and that God always offers a way forward. Other believers need to see that as well.
Leaders have followers. Who is following you? What are you showing them in how you follow?
I'm going to be really honest here. I am in a season of transition and this concept is really real for me. I need to still my heart more than usual to hear His voice as I pursue my next steps. Should I write more? (That pendulum book idea has been brewing for a long time.) Should I focus on forwarding the Vision Implementation Plan coaching platform most or on Working Genius workshops? Do I need to be thinking about financial remuneration more than other considerations or should I let those concerns go and trust that God will supply?
What I do know is that I want to live this season out in a way that honors God and is fully aware of my divine design. I want to live in a way that avoids all the spiraling thoughts that could easily consume my mind and time - all the "what if's...". I want to invest in confident faith connections and not let orphaned fear thoughts take any root.
Maybe I need some good coaching!
Whether you are in a season of transition, trauma, or drama, people are watching. You are leading as you follow. And God always offers a plan! Here's to making good choices.
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