Heather Shertzer, the Fiverr Guy and you


I had been working on the dating book for years and was on the home stretch when I realized that if I wanted to complete it well, I would need to hire a graphic designer for the cover. When you invest that much time you want to have the end product be something you love. So, I contacted my friend Heather Shertzer and she accepted the challenge. 

She made a cover I am proud of and as a bonus, she redid the cover for Eric's recent book as well. She understood just what it would take to upload them for publishing and how to handle all the necessary parameters for both books. (Be watching for a new cover for Traction soon as well!) Without Heather, I would have spent hours trying to figure out what was needed and probably had a design I was just okay with if I did it myself. 

She is a professional and she was/is a godsend!

So then I go to publish the book. What a milestone! What an exciting event! I order myself a copy and find a few things I want to change. The font was too big, some of the formatting had shifted and there were no page numbers. I try to amend the problem and have a horrible time. I can't seem to get the page numbers to start on the correct page, I needed to rework the font size and some formatting. I thought I had it all settled when I got the dreaded red flags that told me the page numbers were outside the printing zone. 

I went back to the drawing board, but just couldn't figure it out. That's when I had the Aha moment to google it - why did that take so long? What came up surprised me. Google offered me a connection with Fiverr (a hiring company that connects you with experts willing to address your specific need.) There was a guy who specialized in KDP parameters who gave a base price of $20! WHAT!?! 

He was an expert and a godsend!

Needless to say, he fixed my page number issues and even helped with other things I didn't even ask for! I gave him a $20 tip - I only wished I had found him sooner!

Why am I telling you all this?

I'm wondering if you are struggling with something as well.

Have you tried and tried at something only to feel stuck, like you were no further along even though you had invested time and energy toward the end goal?

Maybe a godsend is closer than you think!

Do you need a Heather Shertzer? Do you need a Fiverr guy? 

Maybe you need to talk it through with a good coach? 

Maybe you would like to help others better and be a good coach?

(Maybe you want to check out my book or Eric's?)

Bridges Coaching is all about helping people build bridges to what could be. We help people set goals, identify obstacles, make action steps, and retain their gains.

For personal coaching - check out our Associate Coaches or try the Traction book!

To learn more about the Coaching paradigm we suggest Life Coach certification, but we also offer a short form of video training.

Whatever your journey looks like right now - remember God always offers a plan and He wants to walk with you as you make your choices! 

Enjoy the journey!


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