It's Not Just About Action Steps (but coaching helps with those too)

Good Coaching is about much more than simply achieving SMART goals by making successful Action Steps. It's about transformation. 

In this final blog trending with StoryBrand, let's dig into the concept of taking someone from their natural self to their supernatural self. Donald Miller uses the word "transformation". For us that could mean taking someone from feeling stuck to forward movement, or from being lost to having focus.

Helping people to recognize the mindsets that have held them back can change everything! (Watch for an upcoming series on coaching each enneagram number!)

If we can "see" what has been holding us back we can begin to remove that mental obstacle and move forward. And likely, whatever has been holding us back has affected more than just the one area of our lives. Freedom affects every area of our life.

Let me give a personal, and kind of vulnerable, example. 

Each of us has an internal DNA just like we have an external one. Our external DNA gives us our hair and eye colors, height, and more - you get the picture. Our internal DNA is made up of components like our personality type, passions, Working Genius paring, Enneagram numbers, and more. (Interested in learning more about your internal DNA - take our Destiny by Design course for that and more!) 

Back to my story. For those of you who understand, I am an INTJ and a 1 with a Working Genius pairing of IT, which has the nickname - Methodical Architect. The skinny on all that is my divine design gifted me with a penchant for ideation and organization. However, it also means that I would love to tweak just about everything around me to help make it "better". 

And even though many things could be better, if I am not careful I can take on responsibility that is not mine to carry, or even worse I can put in my two cents worth where it is not welcomed. 

Knowing this helps me choose my goals differently. 

Good Coaching has helped me recognize when I can use my gifts to be helpful and when I need to release responsibility for what could be better. I am being transformed from being Ultra Responsible to being Discerningly Releasing. 

For some, good coaching could help them identify how their gifting for peace has crossed the line to passivity. They are being transformed from Avoidant to Engaging. Others may have an internal DNA that leans toward caring for others and they need to understand when God is asking them to get involved, and when it may be best not to. They are being transformed from Enmeshed to Independent.

All in all, good coaching is deeper than just getting stuff done, it's partnering together with someone to discern what God is saying in whatever the focus area is!

Our next Coach Training cohort is forming soon. Click here for more info!

Looking for a good coach - we can help with that too!



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