Why "Naming" Is SO Valuable

focus good coaching Aug 03, 2024

Ever have a certain feeling that just isn't right, but you can't put your finger on it?

Or in another arena, you just can't decide which option to choose?

That vague grey cloud can be confusing at best but also can be debilitating if it keeps you stuck waiting for resolution somehow.

Let's explore a little more. Sometimes I have a feeling of discord in my soul. I'm not sure if it is something I did or didn't do right, or something someone said or did to me. I just know there is a disturbance and something just isn't right. Maybe I am just overtired, or angsty about something, and all I know for sure is that something is "off".

Or maybe I am thinking about the future and there are so many options I feel paralyzed so I just don't think about it. Then, one day, it is months or even years later and I realize I put that area of my life on a shelf somewhere and decided by default not to pursue "it". 

The "it" could be so many different things: a house project, vacation plans, an educational goal, a health pursuit, a career transition, or so many different things.

That's why naming is so important!

The very first step in coaching is deciding what the goal of the conversation should be. It can be anything from discerning what is causing the angst within or pursuing a shelved goal.

If we don't know where we want to go we are likely never to get there.

Sounds simplistic. It is simplistic. But it is so very important.

Step #1 is naming. What's on your mind? What's in your heart? Then we can move forward from there. Naming a focus is a great start! 

What do you need to name? Do you have an inner angst? Does something need to come off that shelf?  Good Coaching can help you name. 

Or how about that recurring conversation you keep having - would naming what is going on help that person move forward? Good coach training gives you tools to help people get unstuck. (Our next cohort is forming now!)



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