Which Way Do You Naturally Tip?

presence Dec 11, 2023

Sometimes the holidays highlight our stuff! 

If we tend to say "yes" too frequently, this time of the year can find us being overbooked and potentially facing gift debt or maybe just gift guilt. It can be hard to set boundaries or see when enough is enough. 

OR maybe your default is to say "no" and you struggle with being Scrouge-ish or hermit-like.

Whether you naturally tip toward saying "yes" too much or saying "no" and missing out, God has good gifts in store FOR you this season!

My current screen saver has the picture above on it. it's there as a reminder in this season that all I need to do is slow down and breathe in the truth that Jesus IS the gift. I don't mean to be cliche at all. I am experiencing new levels of calm and peace amid all the stuff because I am learning to choose my focus more and more. 

I can choose to be overwhelmed about making the very best gift choices, OR I can ask for His presence to guide me and I can give it my best go.

Sometimes I think we just get comfortable being overwhelmed and it can feel like that is what we are supposed to do.

I can choose to begrudge the busy schedule -  the parties, the concerts, the open houses, etc or I can participate with a sense of grateful community building and look for connecting opportunities.

So much of life is about choosing perspective.

What if, in this season, we choose WONDER?

What if we look for joy? What if we took just that one second more to close our eyes and breathe a prayer inviting the Holy Spirit to show us what He wants us to see, to help us engage where He wants us to bring life? What if we were on a mission, a secret mission, to be a conduit of love this season?

Oh Father, show us how asking a question could bring insight or care by showing worth? Help us to prefer others, to honor by listening rather than regaling our own stories.

What if God wants to give us His presence for our present this year?

Let's lean in together and squeeze all the joy we can out of this time of year! There's more there for us than we know!


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