3 Kinds of Contemplative Question Ideas to Reflect and Connect!

New Years can be a time for reflection and connection. This practice can be powerful as it can direct your perspective to what matters most. It offers an opportunity for gratitude, makes space for a reality check, and, if done well, sheds light on the future God has for you. 

Let's look at some questions that can help in each area. 

But first, let's set you up for success:

  1. Decide how you will invest: on your own, with a partner, or with a group? 
  2. Choose a time for contemplation. Maybe New Year's Eve is not the best time for reflection in your house, or maybe it is? Would New Year's Day work better or should you set a time not connected with the 31st or the 1st to think about what God has for your New Year.
  3. Then see yourself there reflecting. Where do you see this happening? In the car driving home from the holidays, at a coffee shop, in your living room, or at your kitchen table? It's good to choose a place where you are comfortable and undistracted. 

Envisioning sets you up and helps ensure this time happens. If you are like many people taking time to reflect and connect is something you would happily affirm, but then life happens, and delving deeper easily gets put on the back burner for more shiny or pressing activities. 

So, when you are set up with who, when, and where you will invest in the powerful practice of reflecting and connecting, here are 3 kinds of questions to choose from for your quest:

"What was" questions:

  • How did you celebrate this past year? What did you do for fun?
  • Where did you see God at work in a significant event this past year?
  • What is a book you read that had an impact on your life?
  • Who invested in your well-being? Bonus activity - let those people know you are grateful for their investment.

"What is" questions:

  • What fruits of the Spirit do you see in yourself and/or the people around you: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control? Bonus activity - tell people about this question and share what you see in them!
  • Where do you see God's faithfulness around you? In HIs provision, blessing, relationships, etc.?
  • Is there anyone you need to forgive or something you need to release?/Is there anyone you need to ask for forgiveness?

"What will be" questions:

  • Where should you invest in personal growth: in your heart, mind, soul, or strength? And what is one practice you can make into a habit there?
  • What is a dream God has put in your heart that it is time to take the next step toward?
  • Ask God for one word that He wants to impress on you this year. Maybe it is a character quality of HIs that He wants you to experience, or a word picture He wants to share with you? This question could be the most significant - take some time to listen, He is always there with you to reveal Himself to you and to teach and empower you for your next step as you grow in Christ.

God is in this place - your past, your present, and your future. 

Investing in reflection, connecting with where you are now as well as where you are headed may be the best time spent! 

I'd love to hear anything you would like to share about how you used these questions and any insights you came upon! Just hit reply :) 

Want more? (*Use the code: 2025  -for 50% off these deeper dives through Jan 5th only.)

*Soul Care Personal Retreat, *Life On Purpose Personal Workshop

Maybe it's your year to connect? Check if you are one of these four types of people.

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