What is Benevolent Detachment?Ā Benevolent Detachment - #1 of 5

I am LOVING John Eldridge’s Pause App prompts and the new 30 Days to Resilient plan! (I just completed my first round and am excited to repeat the whole thing!)

That’s where I first heard about Benevolent Detachment.

If you aren’t sure what that is a quick definition includes, in Eldridge’s words, “releasing everyone and everything to Him.” It’s the art of letting God be God and letting go of our compulsion to change people or situations. It involves a combination of a rooted perspective of who God is in our lives, mixed with a healthy understanding of free will, prayer, and trust in God to be there for us and for others.

When we fix our attention on what’s wrong in our lives, other’s lives, or our world - our attention is not where it needs to be. On Jesus.


Benevolent Detachment is a reminder to hit the refresh button in our souls. To close our eyes to the world around us and the chatter within us and commune with Him there. To allow the River of God to well up within us and wash away the worries of this world. To be caught up in the everlasting and all-encompassing love that overrides the stuff of here. To love and be loved.

The best way we can help others is to receive His help for ourselves.

 The most effective way to share Jesus is to truly know Him.

 The good life He has for us is more about our communion with Him than doing the right things.

 Coaching is caring. Good coaching starts with benevolent detachment! In this series, we’ll start with being rooted ourselves and move on to helping others be rooted step by step.

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