Why I Do What I Do Now - An Honest Disclosure

Most of you know I work full time for a church I love - Worship Center in Lancaster, PA. 

Eric and I were not looking for a move when God surprised us with this chapter of our life about 5 years ago. (He's like that isn't He - full of surprises.) One of the questions we had to answer when we decided God was leading us here was what to do with Bridges Coaching. I/we had developed a number of trainings and workshops and didn't feel it was right to just dissolve Bridges. 

God led me to make spaces for others to step into the active ministry roles I stepped out of when we moved. Sarah now is the primary course host for Coach Training and April works with the Destiny branch. Michelle champions the exclusive course of Next Level Coach training. Others facilitate peer pairs as needed. I love it when His plan is a win-win! 

Last year, Alex and Delia Dienner launched a German version of Coaching Culture! Amazing! What's next? (Spanish??)

My role is to continue writing and offering practical value adds including prompts to help you personally, and that can help you help others, live out faith in real life. Each of the Bridges blogs is meant to come alongside a person's personal faith journey and offer assistance to discerning God's next step whether that be to define a decision, learn a ministry skill, or to further discern your unique divine design. 

God always offers a plan and Bridges exists to help you build bridges to what could be and help others to do the same!

To those of you who have bought into a product - THANK YOU! I pray your investment of time and money has given you tools for building bridges. (We have nearly 300 certified Bridges coaches out there now!) 

So what's next? Glad you asked!

For me: I'm finishing the dating book you may have heard me talk about and then dreaming of investing in my life's work - a book about pendulums. 

For you: You tell me? Can I encourage you - don't just learn about forward movement, but invest in your best nexts for the kingdom's sake and your own!

What are you building a bridge to?

If you have never actually purchased something from Bridges, maybe now is your time? If you have already invested, (thank you for helping us keep the lights on) and which one is next for you?

Where should you start?

There's the Traction Book, which is basically a self-guided, go-at-your-own-pace coaching book designed for you to use personally, as a couple, or with a team.  Definitely, the best bang for your buck if you are a self-starter.

There are also personal workshops available. Life on Purpose is a deeper dive into goal setting. It has the same principles as are in Coaching Culture. It includes a video pathway, printable journal and exercises that will help you narrow in on your best next focus.

Or maybe you need some Soul Care? (And really who doesn't after these last two years?) This personal workshop also has a self-guided video pathway and printable journal. 

Our signature course is of course Coaching Culture. This paradigm-shifting ministry approach is both Biblical and effective. Check out the video option or the full life coach certification course, both include a professionally printed notebook.

Destiny by Design offers a deep dive into the exploration of who God made you to be - your Divine design! Available in self-study, guided individual coaching, or a group class! All options include the associated DbD notebook as well.

If you have a growth mindset and don't want to be where you are currently a year from now - we can help! 

One more option - check out our Associate Coaches! Each of them has completed not only life coach certification but Next Level Coach training! (that's a private course only available to Bridges certified coaches - it also opens the door to working for Bridges and posting your own coaching availability on our website.)

Father God, I pray You guide every person here on their own unique journey! I pray we never stop moving forward on the pathway you have for us. Keep fear or apathy from guiding our choices and help us live the abundant life you have for us and help others to do the same!

 P.S. Just for fun you can check out my husband Eric's book Reframing - a set of devotionals he wrote out of his own memoirs. 


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