Last time we talked about middles - how are all likely in one, or more, and how we can go through them well if we are intentional.
Once we have identified our middle - where we have come from and where we are going, we have a choice to grit our teeth and wait it out, or we can lean into what God has on offer for us in our middle. (If you missed the last blog you can find it here.)
Instead of being angsty, you can have supernatural trust. Trust and faith only work when there is risk...
Instead of giving in to depression, you can shake it off and choose joy. It may not feel real at first, but true joy happens in spite of circumstances, not as a result of them.
Instead of confused, you can ask God for clarity. You can lean into what He wants you to know in this season, not just know about it, but experience it. (More info in the recommended books below!)
Instead of it feeling l o n n n g, you can rest in the waiting. Where is there beauty around you? What are you thankful for? How can you fuel your life with things that bring joy in the waiting?
Instead of feeling hurt, you can be healed.
Here are some possible next steps for walking in the middle. (Hint: we are probably always in some sort of middle!)
God has something FOR you in this middle season. If you spend your time wishing it could be over quicker, whining about how it happened or how long it is taking you will miss out on what He is offering, and likely you will be given other "opportunities" to learn.
I'm still in process. I'm still on a journey. I'm still human. I will always be - in process and on a journey. Unless I give up, or choose to be stuck.
It is in His great mercy and kindness that He calls us deeper!
If you are in a middle, or when your next middles comes. I challenge you to look for the benefits you can receive and live out.
Dear friends, middles are rough. But you can find joy in the journey!
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