Recently I had a dream come true!
Can I share? Bridges Coaching is just about 14 years old now and for at least half that time has employed others besides just me. (Shout out to those of you who have facilitated a peer pair!! I'd list you all but am entirely fearful I would miss someone.) Two colleagues stand out - Sarah Fulton and Michelle Pavasars have been working with me consistently for quite a few years now! Sarah facilitates the Coaching Culture Life Coach Certificaiton cohorts and Michell hosts the Next Level Coaching Training cohorts.
Earlier this year Michelle contacted me and said she was planning a trip East and wondered if we could get togehter. Michelle lives in California - so it is a real treat when I get to see her in person. This trip would be our third time including the day we met in California and one other brief brunch when her family was visiting DC.
Of course I said YES!!
As the time apporached I got a God-idea! What if we invited Sarah, who lives in FLorida, up as well?
I meet regularly with these two online, but Sarah and Michelle had never met in person! How cool would it be to spend some time actualy in person together!?
Sarah said YES!!
And our dream came true! We spent two full and fun days together!
I had dreamed about a time when the Bridges team could all be together in person and God made a way! We had a fun and full two days together in beautiful Lancaster County and fit in a trip to Longwood Gardens as well!
Isn't God good? He set that all up as a gift to us. We all had our parts to play in it, but He offered it and we said YES!
What dream is in your heart? Don't give up! It may be closer than you think. You will likely have some of your own YES's to make.
As you still your heart and listen to Him, I believe He will show you your next steps and empower you to move forward!
Sarah and Michelle both have a coach training story where they said YES to their next steps and now we are working together. Whatever your interest coaching I know God has a personal journey for you, coaching can help and who knows maybe you will be in our next Bridges staff photo!
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