People often ask what is needed to actually launch a coaching practice.
The answer varies from state to state, but for most, the bottom line is that once you have completed the legal checkoff list for your state, you simply need to be good at your craft.
Most of us don’t check the credentials on the wall of the massage therapist, we just go back if they help us out.
Bridges Coaching Life coach certification is designed to help you do just that – actually help people out! While there is a Next Level Training that Bridges offers (contact us if you want to know more), the first level course was designed to be one-stop shopping. You will have everything needed (skills-wise) to set up sessions that actually help people.
Here are a couple of shout outs to a few of our alumni and their organizations!
"Barb shared, Hi Cindy! My site is which stands for CI Coaching & Development. CI stands for Courageously Imperfect. It's a powerful perspective to take when coaching individuals and couples to lead themselves well! I have a mix of virtual programs and coaching, and I specialize in using the Enneagram as a tool for deep self-understanding. I am so very thankful to have been part of your program to be able to be doing what I am doing today. #DreamsBecomingGoals"
Eric on Bridges Coaching – "Bridges Coach training has given me a pathway to lead with curiosity. This mindset shift has allowed me to enjoy the journey of another person’s life, helping them toward the clarity they need. So, rather than feeling like I need to drive people to a certain outcome, I have learned to guide the conversation toward where the Holy Spirit is already leading them. Taking coach training offered me opportunities in Executive coaching that would not have been nearly as effective without Bridges Coaching."
Josh recently left this message Cindy: "Thank you for all your on-going coach training! We’ve been able to help scores of people with live and online training modules. We’ve also included it in our mastermind’s the most transformative part. This skillset has single-handedly blessed our family with tremendous additional income, vacations, missions trips, investments, and the pure joy of helping people gain real traction with their God-given dreams. I’ll be forever grateful for your investment in us."
Alex said this about his training: "Helping numerous organizations with strategic leadership coaching and goal setting. 🙌🏻🙏🏻❤️🔥🌎 Our Global continued to add amazing team members, I have them get certified as well to make sure the coaching culture permeates everything we do."
And I saved the best for last. Our Bridges team!
These individuals took the Bridges beta Next Level coach training last fall and several are now working for Bridges as facilitators or course hosts.
Sarah Baker and Joe Jansen have facilitated Coaching classes with the Bridges videos at their church or organization.
All of the above along with the following have facilitated peer pairs for coach training or could do so in the future: Lori Haley, Tom Pileggi, and Amy Waters.
Bridges is growing!
You can come along, launch on your own, or like hundreds of other alumni you can use your coaching skills to enhance wherever you are right now!
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