Why Take Coach Training? (Isn't it just for professionals?)

It's a good question. By definition "Coach" training should be for coaches only - right? 

Let's start there. What is a coach? The concept connects with moving from here to there - like the Old West stagecoach or Cinderella's coach. For our purposes, we use the word coach to mean helping a person get from where they are to the destination(goal) they choose. 

When you think about coaching that way - Coach Training is really for anyone who wants to be conversationally helpful when talking to anyone else. 

  • Parents talking to children or adult children.
  • Pastors discipline parishioners.
  • Employers interacting with employees. 
  • Adult children dealing with aging or elderly parents.
  • Small Group Leaders with their groups.
  • Siblings. Friends. Family. 

Really, any conversation can level up to being impactful with the conversational tools offered in coach training. 

The two primary building blocks in any good Coach Training are Active Listening and Asking Powerful Questions (or lately we have been using the words "Empowering" Questions.)

When we can pause and truly hear what is in someone's heart and then help them discern what God has for them our conversations can go from trying to fix people or offer solutions to partnering with them to connect with God's plan for their unique situation. 

Coaching is all about making disciples as we come alongside someone in their personal journey.

Would you like to:

  • have more impactful conversations?
  • help people move forward on their personal faith journey?
  • stop having the same conversations with certain people over and over?
  • have tools to truly help people get unstuck?
  • make forward strides on your own personal path?

Coach Training can make all the difference! Moving forward for you and helping others as well!

Interested? Our next cohort is NOW forming. Is this your time?

Or check out these other blogs:

Shawn asked and I answered: 6 distinct features to look for in good coach training

Why Hermits Don’t Need Coach Training (And Five Reasons Other People Love It!)




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