Looking For A Good Coach? (If not, you should be!)

coaches life coach Mar 28, 2021

Coaching isn't just for stuck people.

And t's not solely for dreamers who need to be doers. 

Coaching is for journeyers! 

A good coach partners with you as you clarify: where you are going, how you are going to get there, and what your very next step is. Then, they walk with you as you move forward.

Every believer is on a journey specifically designed for them. 

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

How's your journey going? 

Who's coaching you!?

Bridges Coaching offers a group of available coaches on our Associate Coaches page. A special welcome and recommendation to Barb Ranck and Jessi Zimmerman making their debut! 



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