Adult Parenting Is Not For The Weak! (Neither is being parented when you are an adult.)

Remember those midnight feedings?

And then there were the school challenges with sports, or friends, or academics...

Then came the dating years - few of us were ready for that! 

But NOW many of us are facing parenting our adult kids - if that is even a thing. They hardly need parenting anymore, except for when they do!

When dealing with your adult children's decisions affects our well-being, we need to take notice and have a plan that will benefit us all.

Here's the thing. There's really no such thing as adult children. It's an oxymoron. Either you are an adult or a child, but all too often the perspective gets confused and we can't stop treating our adult children as actual children.

The parent feels it is their duty to guide (control) the adult child when they are making decisions they don't approve of, and the adult children feel they should be allowed to make their own choices and live with the consequences. 

It's a pickle.

What if you could ask your adult child empowering questions that could help them learn to make better decisions on their own?

What if they HAVE thought through the situation and you didn't realize it?

What if they crave talking to you and desire your approval as they try things and make their way in life?

What if they avoid you because they don't want a lecture?

What if you could confidently let them grow into becoming all they could be?

There's hope for this and more! What would it be worth to you to have an adult/adult relationship with your adult children?

Coach training literally helps with all of the above! 

We have had MANY trainees take this course for a variety of reasons and end up with the side benefit of having better relationships with their adult children, their spouse, their parents, and even difficult extended family members.


Do you have relationships you would like to invest in? 

Join us for the next coach training course - or consider the video training


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