Leadership can be tough on a person. It’s hard to help your people along when they won’t listen, so here’s some tips to help. (And just in case you aren’t catching the sarcasm this is all tongue in cheek.)
Whether you are a pastor or parent, teacher, mentor or friend please keep in mind that you are adept in Bible reading and have had more experience praying. You’ve been a believer longer than the people you want to help, so it would be better if you just heard from God FOR them. Tell them what you think God is saying and then they will be less likely to mess up. And they will continue coming to you and you can tell them what you think God is saying.
This will save them the time and bother of learning to hear from God for themselves. Plus it keeps your finger on the pulse of where things are going so you can direct things the way you see fit.
You are the leader so lead. You decide what is important and then use your charm to compel them to get onboard and make things happen.
This way they will need you to inspire them, dream for them and move them forward.
Be sure to milk all your experiences for how-to’s. That way you will have an answer for everything and you can tell them what to do. If you don’t have experience in everything, at least get education so you can prescribe a plan for any situation. This will also save time as you can have a ready answer for whatever diagnosis you come up with for people. People will be lining up to have you solve their every angst.
Once you figure out what works for you in life, share it with them so they can do what is right. For instance if you spend time with God in the morning by reading a certain amount, and then journaling a certain way, you can share your pathway with them so they can do it right. Then they won’t have to waste time exploring their own unique design but can just get right to it your way.
After you tell them what they should do and get them to commit follow up by checking in with them to make sure they are on point. Make sure they do what they say they are going to do.
Coaching is messy. True coaching puts the ball in the court of the coachee and asks them to go to God for themselves. This is tricky. What if they don’t hear clearly on their first try?
Coaching is risky. If you don’t define things for them they may get over zealous or become apathetic. They may not be ready to take responsibility for their own journey. What if they are not ready to grow up?
Coaching requires trust. What if they don’t know how to tap into the Holy Spirit within them? What if I can hear God better? What if God doesn’t show up the way I or they would like?
Seriously folks, the way to keep your people needing you is do everything for them. To be a mediator of sorts for them with God.
Could we be hindering the growth of the people around us by doing things for them when they need us to encourage them to learn do things on their own?
If you coach them - truly coach them - they can learn to have a relationship with God, grow confident in moving forward in the way they were designed and pursue their personal relationship and destiny! (They may even grow to be leaders themselves and even become peers or partners in the journey we call life.)
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