Coach Training isn't only for those who want to become professional coaches. Almost everyone can benefit.
Have you ever wanted to help someone but were not sure what to say or do?
Wish you could have more meaningful conversations?
Tired of hearing the same ol,' same ol', from a coworker or family member?
Most people who take Bridges Coach training are NOT looking to become professional coaches. (But they CAN move in that direction if they so choose.)
Here are four actual people groups who have benefited from coach training!
Parents - of kids still at home, but also of adult children.
Learning to craft questions that help children make wise choices is incredibly valuable and empowering! IT takes the strain off the relationship and actually brings hope. One father of an adult child said, "I used to dread our weekly phone calls. I felt compelled to try and keep him in line and that wasn't fun for either of us. Now, I ask him questions that help him make his own choices and I actually look forward to talking. He does too! This alone was worth the cost and the time invested! I have my son back!"
Parents of younger kids can learn too. One businessman took coach training to use at work but had the side benefit of upgrading his parenting. He said, "I never thought coach training would help me at home but I'm actively engaging with my kids more now and enjoying seeing them develop. This has given me tangible tools to have better conversations and less angry moments with my children."
Spouses - married people who really want to be there for each other.
Ever wish your spouse would pull back from saying, "Well, if I were you...", or "Why don't you just...". We all do it. And we all hate when it's done to us... What if there were a better way? What if we could learn to listen well and confidently and kindly be who our spouse actually needs us to be in a given situation?
Couples who have taken the course together have upgraded their relationship and therefore their every single day life through these conversational tools. How much is that investment worth?
Believers - coaching can change your perspective.
Coaching is about serving others. It's not about being wiser or having a plan for other people's lives. It's about believing God has every person on their own personal pathway and competently helping people learn to discern their next steps. As John Eldredge so eloquently calls out Benevolent Detachment, it's learning to ask empowering questions that change destinies one decision at a time.
Leaders -whether you are a vocational minister or a marketplace leader you can give a man a fish or teach him to fish. When you teach him to fish, you create another leader, not a dependant.
Leaders are so susceptible to telling. Telling others what do to is a dangerous place for leaders. This practice means people need to come to us to know what to do and it can be a lose-lose proposition. If what you tell them works, they will come back and ask again and again. This can create a dependence that could shift to become an unhealthy relationship. If what you tell them doesn't work he/she could blame you for the outcome and worst-case scenario walk away from their faith and blame you for it!
Learning to conversationally help someone set a goal, own the process, and move toward their next is a skill set that good coach training offers!
Coach training cohorts are forming for the next season! Save your seat and set yourself up for rich relationships and empowering conversations!
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