How are you doing? I mean really - how are you doing? Eric and I have been trying to take stock of our soul's well being each day in all of this by asking each other for three feeling words. They are usually a mix. Confused, overwhelmed, and helpless get in there sometimes, but so do committed, overcoming, and hopeful. Can I just be honest? In our lifetimes there has never been anything like this. So, we have the opportunity of a lifetime to lean into God like never before. I promise He is there for us!! John 16:33b says, "Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." The #1 need people have is Soul Care! If your heart is at peace, you can get through anything, so if you are right with God then what's happening externally has less impact on you than what's happening internally. Eric came home from a walk the other day and said he thought people would really benefit from the Soul Care retreat in this season and that we should offer a special discount. He was right! The Soul Care Personal Retreat is designed to be used reflectively. You can walk through these inspirational videos right in your own home and at your own pace - maybe all in one day, over the weekend or maybe once a week - as you take steps in your personal journey to Soul Care. Whatever your pace, these steps will help you invite God into wherever your soul is at right now. Access is normally priced at $97, but in the midst of the crisis we are all facing we want to knock off $70! THAT"S RIGHT! And to sweeten the deal we're okay with you purchasing one enrollment and watching it together with whoever you are quarantined with! Plus you have lifetime access! Use the code "BRIDGES" Caring for your soul is something only you can do. Do it for yourself, the people who are there for you and the people you need to be there for!
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