Three Ways Coaching Is Like Eating Organic Food!

Talking with a couple coach trainees yesterday got me to thinking about how eating organic food is like coaching.

Here’s some of my thoughts. Organic food by definition is pure. It has no additives or artificial interference. It is slow, you can’t rush it or grow it in a hurry and it has a different constitution than say, fast food.

So, here’s the three ways that Coaching is like eating organic food.

1.Organic food is not what we naturally crave.

I crave a soda and fries… but as I learn to listen to my body better I am finding that those cravings were a mask to what I really wanted and needed.

In my spiritual life I crave someone just telling me what to do. I don’t really want to dig behind the mask to find out what is really needed in my life.

2.You probably can’t get organic food in a drive thru.

I want a quick fix. If I could get a godly answer in a drive thru situation I would wait in line for it. But the waiting God has for me is of a different make up. He wants me to wait on Him and walk with Him. I don’t think He is in a hurry, so why am I?

3.Organic food is pure.

Coaching helps people listen to what God is saying to them directly, not mixing it with someone else’s thoughts.

Okay, I lied there’s four ways. (like in the lists in Proverbs I’m adding one)

4. Organic food is costly.

Not that coaching is hard on your finances, but more like it doesn’t come easily. You have to learn to work for it by developing your trust and hearing skills.

So how about you?

Which of the four ways coaching is like eating organic food has got you thinking?

Can you add to the list?


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